Zeina Siam , Harvard University
Tiziana Leone, London School of Economics
Motivation. The effect of conflict on routine healthcare utilization is under-studied in the East Mediterranean. Investigating patterns of healthcare care utilization during conflict can help promote health systems resilience. Aim. We investigate the association between conflict intensity, healthcare utilization and neonatal mortality for deliveries in the Palestinian Territories. Methods. We combined 4 surveys between 2004 and 2014, that nationally representative samples of women of childbearing age, with information on conflict intensity by sub-region and time. Our exposure casualties per 100,000 population by sub-region and neonatal mortality. We used multilevel logistic regressions. Results. High conflict intensity is associated with higher utilization of delivery services from the private sector, and NGOs towards public facilities that is significant at the 0.05 level. Conflict intensity however is not predictive of neonatal mortality beyond 2004. Discussion. Intensity of conflict predicts shifts in utilization of care for delivery but not neonatal mortality.
Presented in Session 10. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior & Reproductive Health 2