Benedetta Pongiglione , Bocconi University
Michael Gusmano, Rutgers University
Aleksandra Torbica, Centre for Health and Social Care Management (CERGAS), Bocconi University
The largest cities in the developed world all face the unprecedented challenge of meeting the needs of a population that lives longer, has declining birthrates, and is altering the demographic profile on which social welfare programs have long been premised. The world cities project (WCP) was launched in 2002 to examine and compare health and social care systems in megacities worldwide. This work extends the WCP to the metropolitan area of Milan and compares access to ambulatory care in Milan and other OECD cities, and studies inequalities within Milan’s metropolitan area. We use individual-level hospital discharge data to measure hospitalization for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions (ACSC). Then we consider administrative boundaries consisting in 134 municipalities and use municipality-level data to study intra-area inequality. Finally, we present results from multilevel logistic regression models to estimate the effects of both individual and municipality characteristics on the probability of hospitalization for ACSC.
Presented in Session 11. Health & Mortality 2