Tejal Lakhan
Sayeed Unisa, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Chandana Maitra, Researcher
Even as India continues to struggle with the burden of under nutrition and micro nutrient deficiencies, problems associated with over nutrition are rapidly emerging as major public health concerns. “Triple Burden of Nutrition” refers to the co-existence of under-nutrition, over-nutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Using the data of women aged 15-49 years and children below 5 years in the last 3 rounds of NFHS, the study aimed to determine: (1)The prevalence of Triple Burden of Nutrition among children & women (2)To determine the factors associated with Triple Burden of Nutrition among children & women. For finding differential risks of triple burden, binary and multinomial logistic regression has been used. Among children and women an increasing trend has been observed in the Triple Burden of Nutrition documenting trans-generational impact of maternal under and over-nutrition on the offspring health and among women dietary,lifestyle habits and socio-economic status are playing a major role.
Presented in Session 5. Health & Mortality 1