Friday, April 12 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM Meeting Room 310 (Level 3)

Session 166
Race, Wealth, and Debt

Chair: Fenaba Addo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Discussant: Jason N. Houle, Dartmouth College

1. Asian American Disadvantage Across Generations: Comparing Educational Debt of Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic WhitesKennan Cepa , University of Pennsylvania; Grace Kao, Yale University.

2. A Rescue or a Trap? An Analysis of Parent Borrowing of Student LoansWenhua Di , Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Carla Fletcher, The Trellis Company; Jeff Webster, The Trellis Company.

3. Racial Stratification in the Mortgage Market: The Role of Co-ApplicantsJose Loya , University of Pennsylvania.

4. Tapped Out? Racial Disparities in Extra-Familial Resources and the Loss of HomeownershipGregory Sharp , University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY); Ellen Whitehead, Rice University; Matthew Hall, Cornell University.

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 Other sessions on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity