Friday, April 12 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM Meeting Room 213 (Level 2)

Session 158
Transition to Adulthood Among Vulnerable Youth

Chair: Anastasia R. Snyder, The Ohio State University
Discussant: Anastasia R. Snyder, The Ohio State University

1. Individualized Choices or Unequal Opportunity? A Comparison of School-to-Work Transition Between GED and High School Graduates Using Innovative Sequence Analysis ApproachesWenxuan Huang .

2. College Preparation Intensity and Socioeconomic Background: A Mechanism for Equal Access?Kevin McElrath , Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY).

3. Exploring the “School-to-Prison” Pipeline: How School Suspensions Influence Incarceration During Young AdulthoodPaul Hemez ; Thomas Mowen, Bowling Green State University.

4. The Differential Impact of College on Becoming a Single ParentAmber Villalobos , University of California, Los Angeles; Jennie E. Brand, University of California, Los Angeles.

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