William O'Hare , O'Hare Data and Demographic Services, LLC.
Young children should be a high priority for 2020 Census outreach. Children ages 0 to 4 had a higher net undercount than any other major demographic group in the 2010 Census. However, the measures currently available to identify hard-to-count locations are not very effective in identifying children at risk of being missed. This study takes advantage of a unique set of U.S. Census Bureau estimates to identify census tracts with high net undercount rates for young children. The approach first involves developing a model to predict net undercount rates of young children in large counties. The model parameters will then be used with American Community Survey data to predict tract-level undercounts for young children in the 2020 Census. We hope the results of this analysis will help advocates better target geographic areas for Get-Out-the-Count efforts to reduce the undercount of young children and help ensure an accurate 2020 Census.
No extended abstract or paper available
Presented in Session 99. Optimizing Self-response in the 2020 Census