School Integration of Recent Mexican Returnees From the United States in a Border Context

Eunice Vargas Valle , El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Since 2008, approximately half-million children arrived in Mexico from the US, mainly US-born. However, due to limited data, quantitative studies about their school integration are scarce. The aim of this paper is to investigate the association between their interest in school and their bi-national school trajectories in a border city with very high return migration. This study uses data from the Migration and School Integration Survey 2017, a survey conducted in 86 junior high schools at the Tijuana Metropolitan area. The results -based on multivariate statistical analyses- show that immigrants from the U.S. exhibit a lower interest in school, which is a function of more years of schooling achieved in this country and less years since the arrival in Mexico. Furthermore, we identify as mediating mechanisms: family separation, limited proficiency in Spanish, the indifference of teachers and the lack of cultural identification with Mexico. Public policy implications are discussed.

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 Presented in Session 84. Wellbeing of Mexican-Origin Children on Both Sides of the U.S./Mexico Border