Edward Vargas , University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nancy Lopez, University of New Mexico
Melina Juarez, University of Arkansas
Lisa Cacari-Stone, University of New Mexico
Using the 2015 Latino National Health and Immigration Survey, we disaggregate street race to better understand everyday discrimination experiences for Latino populations. We find that Latinxs who are racialized on the street as Black and Arab/Middle-Eastern relative to White are more likely to have experienced discrimination because of their race/ethnicity and are also more likely to have experienced discrimination in their place of employment, by police, in the housing market, as consumers while shopping, and while receiving medical care. Our study adds to a growing body of scholarship that explains the link between the social subordination of Latinxs through heightened racialization, discrimination and surveillance and population health. Applying a Critical Race Praxis approach through a dynamic measurement of street race contributes both to advancing methodologic rigor and to developing structural interventions that interrupt health inequities among a growing Latinx population.
Presented in Session 186. Measurement of Race and Gender