Xinyuan Zou , Texas A&M University
Mark Fossett, Texas A&M University
This study uses the restricted IPUMS full count (100%) microdata and GIS techniques to document and investigate residential segregation of Asian-origin groups from Native-born NonHispanic Whites in the US metropolitans in 1940 giving particular attention to how segregation is influenced by individual characteristics such as education, income, nativity, citizenship, and ethnicity. A central goal is to describe the segregation patterns in detail and investigate the factors that shape segregation-determining residential outcomes in the era before the immigration reform of 1965 and thereby establish a conceptual and historical linkage to contemporary segregation studies. We anticipate the following findings: (1) In general, Asians were more segregated than other racial/ethnic groups in 1940. (3) The level of segregation varies across different Asian subgroups (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, etc.). (4) Consistent with spatial assimilation theory, higher income and education facilitate being less segregated and this effect is stronger for native-born Asians compared with immigrants
Presented in Session 3. Population, Development, & the Environment; Data & Methods; Applied Demography