Fertility Decline in Chile: Changes in the Role of Education and the Age at the First Birth

Constanza Hurtado , University of Maryland

The fertility decline in Latin American countries started on it later but following rapid rates. The case of Chile is interesting because of its fast declines since the rates fell by 50% during the 1960s. Currently, the average number of children per women is below the replacement level. Using a completed fertility approach this research studies the decline of fertility in Chile during the 20th century looking at the completed fertility patterns of women cohorts born between 1935 and 1969), after the decline started. Specifically, it focuses on changes in the role of women’s educational level and the age at the first birth. Based on count data analysis the results show differences between older and younger generations. The completed fertility is higher associated with education levels in older cohorts than in younger. In contrast, the age of the first birth follows an inverse pattern. Results are significant and stable across specifications.

See paper

 Presented in Session 1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, & Reproductive Health 1