Diabetes Among Women in India: A Geospatial Analysis

Singh Shrikant , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

This paper analyzes the spatial variation in the relationships between obesity and diabetes among women in India using data from NFHS-4 (2015-16). The findings suggest that prevalence was higher for women with obesity [PR=20.84 (20.68-21.00)] and hypertension [PR=18.89 (18.71-19.08)]. The comparative study between women who are obese and non-obese shows that the prevalence of diabetes among obesity group is 4.03%, as against only 1.4% among non-obese. Application of PSM shows the value of ATT is 0.20 in the obese group and 0.09 in non-obese group,. which means that if these women would not have obesity, then prevalence of diabetes is 0.14 percent. The autoregressive coefficient is 0.509, indicating significantly higher spatial clustering in the outcome variable diabetes accounted for geographical pattern of measured and unmeasured independent variables. The findings portray that in the prevalence of diabetes among women age 35-49 years in India, is significantly affected by space.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 11. Health & Mortality 2