Erica Soler-Hampejsek
Paul C. Hewett , Population Council
Kathryn Spielman, Population Council
Lyson Tenthani, Population Council
Using recent cross-sectional data from a sample of 766 Malawian out-of-school adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) aged 15–24, this paper finds significant associations between a measure of impulsiveness, sexual behavior and STI/HIV outcomes. Using adjusted multivariate regressions, the paper finds that adolescent impulsiveness is significantly associated with early sexual debut and number of sexual partners. Impulsiveness is also significantly associated with higher odds of reporting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and STI symptoms in the past year; lower odds of having been tested for HIV and, if tested, higher odds of reporting being HIV positive.
Presented in Session 135. Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV, Fertility, and Reproductive Health