The Effect of Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendor and Client Characteristics on the Quality of Care Received by Injectable Contraceptive Clients

Sara Chace Dwyer , Population Council
Aparna Jain, Population Council
Elizabeth Tobey, Population Council
Salisu Ishaku, Population Council

Few studies have looked at the quality of services received by injectable contraceptives clients of Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors (PPMVs) in Nigeria. This analysis looks at whether client and/or PPMV characteristics affect the quality of family planning counseling received by clients. Data were collected from 294 injectable contraceptive clients who received services from a sample of 124 PPMVs. The outcome of interest was clients who received all the information in the Method Information Index (MII). A logistic regression was used to examine the effect of client characteristics on the likelihood of receiving MII. A random-effects logistic model was also run to account for any variance due to the PPMV. Preliminary results suggest that 40% of the variance in whether a client received MII was accounted for by the PPMV. Additional analyses will look at whether individual PPMV characteristics predict the likelihood of clients receiving MII.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 10. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior & Reproductive Health 2