Disparities in Sexual Behavior of Adolescent Boys and Girls Living in an Informal Settlement in Nairobi

Rhoune Ochako, Population Council
Karen Austrian, Population Council
Beth Kangwana , Population Council

Early sexual debut puts adolescents at the risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, unintended pregnancies, child marriages, gender based violence among others. Promoting safe sexual practices during adolescence is critical for their development as they transition into adulthood. This study interviewed 2527 (44.8%) boys of ages 10-24 and 3117 (55.2%) girls of ages 10-19. We explore sexual behaviour among adolescent boys and girls. Overall, more boys reported ever having sex, 51.0% compared to 29.4% among girls. For majority of the girls (75.4%), their first sexual partner was older, compared to 11.1% among boys. The prevalence of risky sexual behaviour, measured by use of condom during sex, was higher among boys, who reported condom use among 53.3% who had sex as compared to 65.9% for girls. However, the first sexual experience for girls was unwanted as only 27.0% reporting wanting sex then compared to 73.0% for boys.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 10. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior & Reproductive Health 2