Son Preference and Its Impact on Contraception Use and Fertility in Selected South Asian Countries

Harchand Ram , Jawaharlal Nehru University

Son preference is the most prominent form of gender preference observed in the societies, while the desire for a balanced number of daughter and sons is the other type of gender preference. The study by Das Gupta et al 2002, shows that the son preference is so persistent in the east and south Asia. The exploration of differentials in son preferences in terms of the effect of sex composition of living children on contraception in four South Asian and what are the predictors for the son preference and its contribution to the impact of son preference on contraception and fertility. The Demographic Health Survey (DHS) of countries like India (2015-16), Pakistan (2012-13), Bangladesh (2014) and Nepal (2011). The primarily results shows that in India, women among currently married who are 15-24 years more preferring for girls and among the age group 35-49 years showing highest (25.8%) percent of boys preferred.

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 Presented in Session 1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, & Reproductive Health 1