Racial Residential Segregation in an Era of Increasing Income Inequality and Poverty Concentration

Yana Kucheva , City University of New York (CUNY)

This project analyzes when patterns of residential mobility by race across neighborhoods reproduce, deepen, or alleviate patterns of segregation by both race and income. I implement a set of discrete-choice models of neighborhood mobility along multiple dimensions and use the predictions of the discrete choice models to explicitly connect household-level moves to aggregate patterns of residential segregation. I use restricted Decennial Census and American Community Survey data for the period between 1990 and 2014, geocoded down to the census tract level, to examine changes over time in the determinants of mobility of households across neighborhoods and to simulate levels of segregation by race and income given different counterfactual scenarios of household residential mobility by race and income.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 102. Residential Segregation