The enduring significance of education-health gradients has led to a large and still growing literature on the topic. In this project, I revisit paradoxical education-health gradients among Latinos to better understand the evolution of education-health gradients across the life course given noted variation between native-born white and Latino immigrant generations in these relationships. I do so using a longitudinal structural model that specifies the variable, complex relationships between education and health from childhood through young adulthood for a large, national sample of individuals. In preliminary analyses, I find observed ethnic and immigrant generational differences in the evolution of education-health gradients are mainly driven by differences in the relationship between maternal education and young adult children’s outcomes. My findings also suggest, however, that such differences may be the result of omitted measures of mothers’ relative educational status and/or other, unobserved characteristics. I briefly discuss planned extensions to preliminary analyses, including a parent’s relative educational status and sibling fixed-effects.
Presented in Session 76. Flash Session: Unpacking Associations Between Race/Ethnicity and Health