Gendered Patterns and Solidarity of the Unions: Differentiations Between International Marriages and Domestic Marriages in China

Shenghan Cai
Fei Guo, Macquarie University
Shuang Liu, Renmin University of China

With implementation of the economic reform, opening-up, and family planning policy, China has experienced profound socioeconomic and cultural changes since the late 1970s. Following the relax of migration control, the country’s youthful structure of population and adequate labour force contributes to its geospatial imbalanced socioeconomic prosperity and large scale of emigration. Recently, China'a internal and international migration has increased while international marriages experienced dramatic increase and decrease, which requires sufficient study. Using a unique dataset of international and domestic marriage registration from the provincial Bureau of Civil Affairs, this paper aims to examine the differentiation between international marriages and domestic marriages from 2010 to 2014, the effects of educational attainment, occupation and marital status on the choice of transnational relationships and the risk of divorce.

See paper

 Presented in Session 4. Marriage, Family, Households, & Unions