Parity Progression as Expressions of Gender Preferences for Children: A Global Comparative Analysis Using Micro-Level Data From 97 Countries

Martin Kolk , Stockholm University
Joseph Molitoris, Lund University
Kieron Barclay, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

In the current study we take a global perspective on parity progression ratios as an expression of son preferences, daughter preferences, or a preference for a mixed gender composition of children. In countries were fertility is largely planned, the gender composition of previously born children may have an effect of the decision to have an additional child. We use pooled survey data from 77 developing countries using DHS data and 20 contemporary countries using the harmonized histories collection of survey datasets. We give a global overview of gender based parity progression ratios using survival analysis models. This provides further comparative data on parity progressions, as well as introducing a new measure of behavioral gender equality. In addition, we relate gender preferences to other country-level characteristics. We use data on female political empowerment, measures of fertility context (TFR), and macroeconomic condition (GDP/capita).

See paper

 Presented in Session 1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, & Reproductive Health 1