Together We Can Turn the “Big C” Into the “Wee c”—An Epidemiological Study of Cervical and Breast Screening in India: A District Level Spatial Analysis

Monica Monica , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Raman Mishra, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Cancer screening tests are important tools to combat cancer-related morbidity and mortality. This study analyses the spatial distribution of the factors agreed for cervix and breast screening, in India. Using data from National Family Health Survey fourth round, 2016, which collected information on screening among women aged 15-49 years for the first time. Through cluster analysis using univariate and bivariate LISA maps, hot spots of screening across districts were identified, providing a view of heterogeneity in the space. Spatial error model, was employed and the variables that fitted better to the model were women belonging to general caste, residing in rural areas, currently married, insured, and those who are well off economically. The study provides spatial inference allowing actions aimed more at specific population. Strengthening of WHO's 'Best Buys' interventions and effective implementation of India’s cancer screening programme is required to combat against the disease burden.

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 Presented in Session 11. Health & Mortality 2