Akash Porwal , Population Council
Monika Walia, Population Council
The Parivartan project is a community mobilization initiative focusing on the most marginalized (MM) communities to overcome the inequity in health behaviors and service demand. The current study evaluates the impact of structured health layering on key health behaviors. The key research objective was to assess differences in MNCHS outcomes among SHG (Self-help group)+Health,SHG-only and non-SHG women. Difference-in-difference analysis showed that measures of cohesion (theorized as intermediate outcomes to affect change in MNCHS behaviors, e.g. collective efficacy, support during pregnancy complications, receiving pregnancy-related information from SHG members) increased significantly more for SHG+Health women compared to SHG-only women. Women from SHG+Health groups also showed significant improvements in MNCHS indicators - birth preparedness, institutional delivery, early and exclusive breastfeeding, clean cord care, family planning.The Parivartan program with an additional layering of structured inputs on health practices shows that it has been successful in facilitating mutual learning and collective action to drive change.
Presented in Session 192. Evaluation of Family Planning and Other Reproductive Health Services Using a Logic Model