Coralia Balasca , The Ohio State University
Christina Bijou, The Ohio State University
Using data from the 2017 Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey (OMAS), we analyze the association between delay in treatment, self-rated health, race, and county in Ohio. Our research focuses on state context driving health disparities. Prior 2008 results show that race, SES, insurance coverage, and region matter for delay of treatment and self-rated health. Further, Whites are most likely to delay treatment despite reporting better health outcomes.We re-run analyses using 2017 data and propose research focusing on the role of health Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in filling the gap in access to healthcare that is theorized to impact delay in treatment. We expect that people living in areas with access to NGOs will be less likely to delay treatment and those living in areas with restricted access will be more likely to delay. We consider whether the presence of health NGOs is related to the association between race and delay in treatment.
Presented in Session 5. Health & Mortality 1