Inequalities in the Labor Markets Between Indigenous and Nonindigenous Women in Mexico

Rosario Aparicio-Lopez , El Colegio de México

The objective of this paper is to show how labor markets behave towards indigenous women and non-indigenous women considering: 1) the category of ethnicity as a factor that could generate inequality in the work realized by woman and 2) how are the conjugal arrangements that could cause violence in the relationship, if at all when women work or when they do not work. Based on the data provided by the National Survey on the Dynamics of Relationships in Households (ENDIREH in spanish 2016), indicators were constructed that show, in the first place, the jobs that indigenous women perform compared to those of non-indigenous women; in addition, prevalence of gender violence among indigenous and non-indigenous couples. Applying multivariate analysis showed the factors most strongly associated with gender violence to be low schooling, engagement in some sort of economic activity, and receipt of income from government programs and/or family members or acquaintances.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 9. Marriage, Family, Households, & Unions; Gender, Race, & Ethnicity