Does Brass Technique Give Reliable Estimate of Mortality Indicators? An Assessment by Urban-Rural and Gender Differentials (Using 2001 and 2011 Census of India)

Priyanka Yadav , Jawaharlal Nehru University
Ajit Yadav, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Infant and under five mortality is considered to be a good indicator of health status and socio-economic condition of a country. However, choice of direct or indirect method was found to be important in terms of both the adjustment for data errors and the assumptions made about vital statistics. We have used census 2001 and 2011 children ever born and children survival. In India 48 deaths per 1000 live birth in under-five, out of these, 34 deaths per 1000 live birth occurred within the first year of life, 71% deaths occurred in first year of life out of under-five deaths. In India, 58.3 male deaths per 1000 male live birth in the first year of life, but in the case of female it was 57.7 deaths per 1000 female life birth in the first year. Results also showed that there exist significant variations in inter-state infant and child mortality and EAG and North-Eastern states were found more.

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 Presented in Session 11. Health & Mortality 2