Gender Discrimination and Gendered Socialization by Young Married Women in Rural North Dinajpur District of West Bengal, India: An Assessment of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Atreyee Sinha , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

This paper describes the patterns of adverse childhood experiences of young women in terms of gender discrimination and gender socialization and examines the underlying factors in India. Data come from a primary survey of 500 young married women (18-30 years) in 10 selected villages of North Dinajpur District of West Bengal, India. Descriptive results underscored wide prevalence of gender discrimination in education, allocation of household works and freedom of movement. Teachings of gender specific norms and behaviours like always being subservient and submissive to men, were also prominent. Binary logistic regression revealed that Muslim women experienced more discrimination and biased socialization. When women’s mothers were beaten by their fathers, which is suggestive of inherent gender inequality within family environment, there was corresponding increase in discrimination and gender socialization. Education among women’s fathers significantly reduced adverse childhood experiences. Findings suggest that gender discrimination and gender socialization permeates family life in India.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 9. Marriage, Family, Households, & Unions; Gender, Race, & Ethnicity