Sheila Desai , Guttmacher Institute
Introduction: Despite the size of the Asian population in New York City (NYC) and the city’s robust abortion surveillance system, abortion-related estimates for Asian groups in NYC have not been calculated previously. Methods: NYC surveillance data from 2008-2015 are used to calculate abortion rates, pregnancy rates, and abortion ratios for Asian women overall, disaggregated by ethnicity and nativity status, and for other major racial/ethnic groups in NYC. These measures are compared between groups and over time. Results: Pregnancy rates, abortion rates, and abortion ratios differed between Asians overall, Asian subgroups, and other major racial/ethnic groups in NYC during 2014-2015. Estimates for each measure generally declined between 2008 and 2015. Conclusion: These findings reinforce the need for disaggregated abortion data by race/ethnicity and nativity within the Asian population and reveal changes over time in abortion service use in NYC. Continued and granular surveillance of abortion in these groups is needed.
Presented in Session 10. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior & Reproductive Health 2