Joshua Rivenbark , Duke University
Mathieu Ichou, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Migrants, ethnic minorities, and other socially disadvantaged groups face a myriad of barriers to healthcare. One such barrier, discrimination within healthcare settings, has received little attention to date. Using data from a nationally representative survey of first- and second-generation migrants as well as native-born to native-born parents in France, we examine experiences of discrimination in healthcare settings and their relationship with reports of foregoing healthcare. Disadvantaged social groups – particularly females, those of African origin, and Muslim religion – are more likely to have experienced discrimination in healthcare settings. Discrimination in healthcare settings strongly increases respondents’ likelihood of forgoing healthcare and partially explains why certain socially disadvantaged groups are more likely to forgo healthcare. Researchers and policymakers should consider that barriers to healthcare may lie in the experiences of healthcare itself.
Presented in Session 40. Race, Discrimination, and Health