The Differential Influence of Residential and Employment Locations on Immigrant Economic Outcomes

Ilana Ventura , University of Chicago

This paper examines employment outcomes of immigrant workers in the United States and their variations by the locations of residence and employment. Using data from the Census’s American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), this paper finds that that employed immigrants have improved economic outcomes (as measured by log income) and employment outcomes (occupational-level income) when they work in high-immigrant labor markets (defined as MSA), but not necessarily live in high immigrant census tracts. This work contributes to the literature on immigrant employment outcomes at a national level and aims to shift the conversation from focusing exclusively on residential location, to one in which the relative locations and characteristics of residential and work locations may be jointly considered as important to the success of immigrants in the United States.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 7. Migration & Urbanization