Yeris Mayol-Garcia , U.S. Census Bureau
Recent linkages between migration experiences, living arrangements and poverty are poorly understood for Puerto Rican-origin children. Despite very high poverty rates (58 percent for island-resident children and 32 percent for U.S.-resident Puerto Rican children), high levels of migration between the United States and Puerto Rico and high levels of single parenthood, Puerto Rican-origin children are often excluded from research on children, families, poverty and immigrants (Mayol-Garcia and Burd 2018). This research will use data on Puerto Rican-origin children ages 0-17 living in Puerto Rico and the United States to examine the ties among poverty, family migration and living arrangements. Family migration will combine information on place of birth, residence one year ago and current place of residence. Logistic regression models predicting household poverty will be run using American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey 5-year 2012-2016 estimates. The findings will be evaluated regarding prior research.
Presented in Session 54. Internal Migration, Health, and Well-being