Welfare Regimes and Organization of the Transfer Systems in 25 EU Countries

Tanja Istenic , University of Ljubljana
Joze Sambt, University of Ljubljana

The economic life cycle and its financing strongly depend on country specific institutional and cultural settings. Therefore, it can be expected that the cross-country differences in intergenerational flows are connected with the differences in the welfare regimes. Previous research on transfer and welfare regimes is limited, because it focuses mainly on either private or public transfers or it takes into account only certain age groups. This paper uses the National Transfer Accounts (NTA) methodology that enables comprehensive measurement of intergenerational transfers, as well as it takes into account all the age groups. Our analysis provides comparable NTA results for 25 EU countries from 2010 and links welfare and inter age reallocation regimes. We perform cluster analysis based on five indicators, measuring importance of different types of age reallocations and differences in gender equality promotion. We end up with three different groups of countries showing a clear north-south division of countries.

See paper

 Presented in Session 174. Intergenerational Relationships