Sex Gaps in Potential Gain in Life Expectancy After Partial and Complete Elimination of a Specific Cause of Death in Urban India

Bal Kishan Gulati , National Institute of Medical Statistics

Life expectancy is not only a summary measure of mortality but also an accepted indicator of development of country. Cause-elimination life table measures potential gain in life expectancy after elimination of a specific disease and thus call attention to a disease condition. The present study measured sex gaps in disease burden based on medical certification of causes of death 2015 data. Preliminary results show that elimination of diseases of circulatory system could have gain in life expectancy more than 2 years as large as males (female 13.14 years vs males 11.1 years) in 2015. Extra years of gain in life expectancy achieved at age one. Final results will indicate sex gaps for elimination of other causes of deaths. The significant gain in life expectancy signals the urgency for improving health infrastructure. The study showed the sex gaps in disease burden indicative for targeted intervention to protect health and save lives.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 5. Health & Mortality 1