Can There Be a Global Policy for Financing Population Aging? A Reflection From National Transfer Accounts Framework

Laishram Ladusingh , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Melody Thangjam

The paper makes an assessment of the means of financing consumption of elderly population 65 years and above using NTA framework. In Europe and Asia share of labour income in meeting lifecycle deficit (LCD) is as low as 3 percent for France and Germany, 12 and 14 percent in Japan and Republic of Korea whereas it is 39 percent in Ghana in Africa and 33 percent in Malaysia in Southeast Asia. Share of public transfers in meeting LCD of elderly is high in European countries and ranges from 237 percent in the United States to 165 percent in Spain and ranges from 228 percent in Japan and 155 percent in the Republic of Korea. Whereas public transfers support is 94 percent of LCD in Ghana, 100 and 113 percent in Kenya and Malaysia respectively. In South Africa and Thailand asset-based reallocation financed 112 and 92 percent of LCD of elderly.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 6. Health & Mortality & Aging