Living Longer: Historical and Projected Gains to Life Expectancy, 1960–2060

Lauren Medina, U.S. Census Bureau
Shannon Sabo , U.S. Census Bureau
Jonathan Vespa, U.S. Census Bureau

Mortality projections provide an estimate of how population health is expected to change. As part of its population projections, the U.S. Census Bureau develops life tables to project future life expectancy. The latest projections developed nativity-specific life tables-- the first life tables published by Census that account for differences between native and foreign born. Life expectancies are calculated using mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Census population estimates, spanning 2015 to 2060. Preliminary results show that life expectancy is projected to continue increasing in coming decades, but increases happen more slowly than in the past. Foreign born are projected to live longer than native born, and life expectancy is projected to be highest among foreign-born White and Hispanic females. This research will also explore racial and ethnic differences in projected life expectancy between native and foreign born. These projections provide vital information on population aging.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 6. Health & Mortality & Aging