India’s Family Planning Market and Opportunities for the Private Sector: An Analysis Using the Total Market Approach

Arupendra Mozumdar , Population Council
Rajib Acharya, Population Council
Subrato Mondal, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Amit Shah, Senior Technical Advisor, USAID
Niranjan Saggurti, Population Council

The private (commercial) sector in India can complement the public sector for family planning services, but the roadmap to engage these two sectors remains a challenge. We estimated the total market approach indicators, which can be calculated using the data of four rounds of National Family Health Surveys: 1992-93, 1998-99, 2005-06, and 2015-16. The contraceptive prevalence of modern methods in India did not increase in recent years but the number of users of modern contraceptives increased, and so did the market size for the commercial sector. In urban areas, the market of modern contraceptives is mostly comprised of the users from higher wealth, and a high percentage of contraceptives users obtain the contraceptives from subsidized sources. The ‘matured’ markets are mostly concentrated in and around big metropolitan areas. Subsidization in urban area should be offered to targeted population who need family planning products and services at low cost.

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 Presented in Session 170. Measurement Approaches and Innovations in Family Planning