Kate Hee Choi , University of Western Ontario
Sagi Ramaj
Michael Haan, University of Western Ontario
Using administrative data with rich information about immigrant residential patterns over time, our study examines the residential stability of immigrants to Canada. To do so, we first assess whether new immigrants to Canada are more likely to move across census tracts or metropolitan areas relative to Canadian-born of comparable ages. Second, we document variations in residential mobility patterns by immigrant admission categories, paying close attention to differences between refugees and economic or family reunification migrants. Third, we will compare the residential mobility patterns of three cohorts of immigrants: (1) those who arrived between 1998 and 2000; (2) those who arrived between 2003-2005, and (3) those who arrived between 2008-2010. The three groups are immigrants who migrated before changes in Canadian immigration law following 9/11 attacks, those who migrate after legislative changes following 9/11 attacks, and those who arrived during the 2008 Great Recession.
Presented in Session 7. Migration & Urbanization