Aparajita Chattopadhyay , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Dipti Govil, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Male involvement in maternal health care is an important determinant of maternal health, especially in a male driven society like India. This study aims to understand the variations and determinants in women’s antenatal care visit, institutional delivery and freedom in health care decisions in India and three socioeconomically backward states, by husband’s knowledge, attitude, behaviour towards maternal health care and gender violence, using recently published National Family Health Survey IV, (2015-16). Men’s knowledge about pregnancy-related care and positive gender attitude enhances maternal health care utilization, while husband’s presence during antenatal care markedly increases the chances of women’s delivery in institutions. Though India has shown remarkable improvement over last decade regarding male involvement in maternal care, some of its poorer states need thrust in this context. Dissemination of knowledge about maternal care among husbands and making the husband’s presence essential during antenatal care may help secure better outcome of maternal health.
Presented in Session 5. Health & Mortality 1