Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence in Urban Areas of Honduras and Their Association With Children's Cognitive Development

Alejandra Leyton , Tulane University

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) rarely takes place in isolation. As opposed, patterns of co-occurrent and cumulative violence better describe the experience of women in developing countries. Using Latent Class Analysis and data from Honduras DHS/2011-12 we construct homogeneous groups or patterns that represent the heterogeneity of IPV in terms of type, frequency, and chronicity. Furthermore, this study analyzes the association between these patterns of IPV and indicators of early childhood development of children <5 living in the household. Results indicate that in Honduras, five distinct patterns of IPV can be identified. Interestingly, when predicting the likelihood of a child to be developmentally on track in the socio-emotional domain, exposure to medium levels of emotional violence (aOR=0.62), or violence from an ex-partner only (aOR=0.49) have the same pervasive effect as exposure to severe and co-occurrent violence (aOR=0.44). No significant associations were found for the cognition, literacy, and physical domains of early development.

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 Presented in Session 63. International Perspectives on Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child/Youth Well-being