Sasha Frade , University of the Witwatersrand
Nicole De Wet, University of the Witwatersrand
Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand
IPV is a pervasive form of gender inequality resulting in major reproductive health outcomes. The more control a women has over her reproductive health, the more likely she is to use contraceptives – decreasing the number of children ever born. This study investigates the relationship between IPV and fertility among adult women of reproductive ages, using Uganda DHS 2016. Adjusted Poisson Regression models will be conducted for children ever born and the different forms of IPV, as well as the reproductive and women’s empowerment variables. Preliminary results show that women whom experience emotional IPV have 12% more children than women who do not experience emotional IPV; whilst it was 8% for physical IPV and 7% for sexual IPV. Empowering women, increasing female education, and partner-centered behavior change programs will decrease IPV, but also lead to improvements in women’s reproductive health and access to contraception and a decrease in fertility.
Presented in Session 10. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior & Reproductive Health 2